VOIP Services in India

Price On Call


Date : December 12, 2023
Location : Delhi, India

AKOMTechnologies is an exceptional leader in the Information Technology andTelecommunications industry. Our expertise lies in providing top-tier VOIPSolutions that have earned us widespread acclaim from our esteemed clients. Ourproducts are renowned for their effortless installation process and exceptionalperformance, ensuring long-lasting satisfaction and an appealing userexperience. We take pride in our remarkable product portfolio, which includesthe GSM GATEWAY, IPBBX, PRI GATEWAY, PRI CARD, VOICE LOGGER, FXS/FXO GATEWAY,HEADSETS, and more. Our GSM GATEWAY is a game-changer, allowing you to makecalls without any restrictions, while our IPBBX is designed to help small andmedium-sized businesses manage their communication needs effortlessly. The PRIGATEWAY and PRI CARD are perfect for businesses that require a high-qualityvoice connection and fast data transfer, while our VOICE LOGGER ensures thatyou never miss an important call. Our FXS/FXO GATEWAY is an excellent choicefor businesses that need to connect their PBX to the PSTN, while our HEADSETSprovide crystal-clear audio and a comfortable fit, making them perfect for longhours of use. At AKOM Technologies, we’re committed to providing our clientswith the finest quality products and services, ensuring that they can stayconnected and productive at all times.


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Delhi, India


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