Price On Call


Date : March 26, 2024
Location : 9454 Wilshire Blvd., 6th Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90212

Titan Law Firm is among the very best personalinjury law firms in all of California, and remains dedicated towards helpinganyone who has been injured as a result of an accident. We fight to ensure thatyou receive the maximum cash settlement possible, every time.

Titan has earned the “10 BEST” award forClient Satisfaction alongside several other notable acknowledgments and reviewsthat cement Titan Law Firm as one of the best injury firms around, period.

Think you can’t afford a lawyer? Think again. WithTitan, you never have to pay us anything out of your pocket, ever. That’s our”TITAN GUARANTEE”.

Practiceareas include car, motorcycle, truck, pedestrian, ride share accidents (Uber& Lyft), wrongful death, slip & fall, and more.


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9454 Wilshire Blvd., 6th Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90212


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