How good is BMI as an indicator of body fatness?



Date : September 20, 2023
Location : OHIO

The connection between’s the BMI and body heftiness is reasonably strong1,2,3,7, yet regardless of whether two individuals have similar BMI, their degree of body largeness may differ12.

  As a general rule,

 At similar BMI, ladies will quite often have more muscle to fat ratio than men.

 At similar BMI, how much muscle versus fat might be higher or lower contingent upon the racial/ethnic group13-15.

 Overall, will generally have more muscle versus fat than more youthful grown-ups.

 At similar BMI, competitors have less muscle to fat ratio than do non-competitors.

The exactness of BMI as a mark of body bloatedness additionally gives off an impression of being higher in people with more significant levels of BMI and body fatness16. While, an individual with an extremely high BMI (e.g., 35 kg/m2) is probably going to have high muscle to fat ratio, a moderately high BMI can be the consequences of either high muscle versus fat or high slender weight (muscle and bone). A prepared medical services supplier ought to perform fitting wellbeing evaluations to assess a singular’s wellbeing status and dangers.


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