

Date : February 21, 2024
Location : Unit D1, North City Business Park,North Rd, Kildonan, Dublin 11, D11 FH22

Introducing the revolutionary Filtered Water Bottle – your hydration companion on the go. This sleek, BPA-free bottle combines style with functionality, featuring a built-in advanced filtration system. Purify tap water instantly, removing impurities and ensuring a crisp, clean taste with every sip. The easy-to-replace filter lasts for months, providing a sustainable solution to single-use plastic. Its ergonomic design fits seamlessly into your lifestyle, whether at the gym, office, or outdoors. Stay refreshed and eco-conscious with this innovative Water Bottle, a convenient and planet-friendly way to enjoy pure hydration wherever your day takes you.


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Unit D1, North City Business Park,North Rd, Kildonan, Dublin 11, D11 FH22
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