Brain Hemorrhage Treatment In India | EdhaCare

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Date : January 6, 2023
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Location : EdhaCare 465, 4th Floor, Tower B1, Spaze iTechPark, Sector - 49, Sohna Road,

A brain hemorrhage is a type of stroke caused by the brain. Brain hemorrhage is caused by a blood vessel in the brain rupturing and causing internal bleeding in the surrounding tissues. Internal bleeding decreases oxygen delivery to the brain, creating extra pressure in the brain and killing the brain’s cells. There are two leading causes of brain hemorrhage high blood pressure and trauma. A person having blood thinner medicine is also at an increased risk of becoming a patient with a brain hemorrhage. brain hemorrhage/


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EdhaCare 465, 4th Floor, Tower B1, Spaze iTechPark, Sector - 49, Sohna Road,


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